Chrome and Internet Explorer driver

Download 32 Bit Chrome Driver by clicking on below Download link:


You can use 32 Bit Chrome Driver on 32 Bit as well as 64 Bit Windows. There is no 64-bit Chrome on Windows yet (See this ticket), as a result there is no ChromeDriver for 64-bit Windows.

Here 32/64 bit are in terms of browser's architecture, not the OS.

Download 64 Bit Internet Explorer Driver by clicking on below Download link:


This driver has been tested with IE 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 on appropriate combinations of XP, Vista and Windows 7.

The driver supports running 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the browser. The choice of how to determine which "bit-ness" to use in launching the browser depends on which version of the IEDriverServer.exe is launched. 

If the 32-bit version of IEDriverServer.exe is launched, the 32-bit version of IE will be launched. Similarly, if the 64-bit version of IEDriverServer.exe is launched, the 64-bit version of IE will be launched.